About Us

 Welcome to Pardon Our Style... 
Where everything is about  being your stylish self inside and out.
Two fabulous women with two different points of view!!!
           We are wardrobe stylist out of the Miami Area and we want to style you!!!

I am Medgine Williams one half of Pardon our Style! It was a struggle for me to choose a profile picture without something on my head or without sunglasses or glasses. I am an accessory whore.
Anything that makes my outfit, say I AM HERE! I want it. This would also explain my personality.  I am bold, with independent opinions, which is often displayed in my style.
My eccentric style is home grown. I come from  a line of  of outspoken, independent, fabulously stylish Haitian women. My Mom and her sisters always had something to say and show off in their wardrobe. My dad was and still is a trendsetter. He carried a man purse before it was acceptable. With all these vibrant family characters, and my stage being New York, there was no way fashion could not become my first love.
I have very few regrets in life, but my one true regret is not following my passion for fashion, when I was younger. But with regrets bring strength, fight and a story. I am ready for this journey, and I hope you all stay along for the ride.
Too fast forward today, I got married five years ago and moved to S. Florida from Orlando. I later met the fabulous Natea Williams via a fashion production company which we were both working for. We instantly clicked, not only were our last names Williams, because we married two men with the same last name! We both were two talented fashionistas, who were ready to show this world our stylish souls. So we started Pardon Our Style.

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