Monday, October 26, 2015

Fashion Love Affair

My love affair with fashion began way before I could completely write the word itself. One of my first memories, with my love was watching my mother and her sisters get ready for a party or a family event. I was and still am enamored with that first look. They would strut out the room, looking like they could conquer the world. It's as if their high heels, and clothes and make up were some type of weapon! The funny thing is, I never looked at them before they went into the room. To me they didn't really exist till the armor was put on!  What I didn't realize is that they did exsit before the make up, hair and clothes. If anything their true superpowers and beauty was always there. 

I say all this to say, my love for fashion, like any love has grown into a more mature love. As a girl I was vain and captured by the surface of it all. But as a woman, I am looking a little deeper! It does not matter how beautiful the shoe,if my feet are dirty, it's just a matter of time before I taint the shoe. I believe that when you look good you feel good. But with that same breath, if you don't feel good from within, slowly but surely it seeps onto the outside. 

For years, my love affair with fashion has kept me from exploring and allowing myself the freedom, of shining from the inside out, like cutting all my hair off, or completely allowing myself to be vulnerable with my beauty. 

My journey with my love is not done yet! I am just getting started! I hope you stay along for the ride.  

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