Monday, May 18, 2015

Macy's Tuesday!! Changing the Face of America!!

This past Friday, I had the pleasure of attending the Launch of Fashion Icons! It was diffinialty not what I expected. I expected the she see a new clothing line, and new trends that I might fall in love with, but when I walked into the men's dept at Macy's in Aventura, I saw a live band with police officers from all over Miami Dade County. I must say it was a band I would pay to see very impressed. 

To see the officer in a different light smiling and interacting with the public. It's very rare that you see police officers smiling not that they dislike their jobs but in reality it's a serious one to have. It takes a special person to protect and serve our community, depite all the happening going on in America not all cops are bad it's those few that take advantage of having the authority . So next time you see an office don't hesitate to say hello!  I also had the pleasure of meeting Neki Mohan of Local 10 news, and like my husband always says when he sees her she's a Trini!! :-) LOL

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