Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring outfits Tuesday

Last but not least. You have to have your church fit on point. Because that is were People look at you the most lol.. I love my church folks don't get me wrong. But this blue Stepford wives dress is classic and simple partnered with a yellow cluch and banging heels you are so ready to praise your God and look fine doing it!!  

This little number I believe it speaks for itself. Classic and sexy at the same time. Sometime we have to show a little leg. Fun and stylish. It's all about feeling comfortable in what you have on. That will make you feel sexy!! I know that works for me. 

Ok ladies now that spring is here. These are just a few styles that I feel are perfect!! This cute and funky fit pink t-shirt, holy jeans, sassy heel chic and cute. You can rock this hanging with your girls, your man or just vibing solo. However you rock it, just do it well.lol

Monday, March 30, 2015

Memorable Monday

 So ladies, today is  Memorable Monday.  I love fashion so much, that from time to time, I like to re-live my memorable fashion moments. Supermodels don't get to have all the fun. lol. I have my own personal fashion catalogue, I decided to show off my personal style.

I love when I put an outfit together, and it looks so good that you don't want take it off. I love when you when wear an outfit and everyone gives you a compliment, or NOT. But you get that look, like where is she going.. I love those looks. "If there not talking about you, then you doing something wrong"

These are some of my memorable fashion looks.... 

My  favorite memorable look is my wedding day... I wanted a vintage Hollywood look.
This look was a pull together look. Meaning I pulled it all together as a last minute option. Sometimes those are the best outfits....
So me and my styling partner had a fashion event, and I wanted to wear my new head wrap and purse so bad, I had to pull an oldie but goodie dress out of the wood works, lol. I was just grateful it stilled fit!



New Orleans- It was a great trip, great fashion experience....
Ladies, I don't believe anyone is a fashion expert, I do believe style is subjective, BUT when you feel good you look good. These looks may not be your favorites but I felt fabulous in all of them! As such, I like to drive down my fashion runway from time to time. You should try it....

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fun Day Sunday with the Fam!!

First things first. When it comes to any type of festival you want to be comfortable. So when we were invited to go to the festival today, I new I would be in my Maxi dress. The blue just put the stamp on it, and of course my afro was on point freshly washed and conditioned. But putting this dress on today made me realize along with my cardio workout plan, I need to get my arms back on point. I'm working with a little flab, working out is a priority I've been forcing myself to workout at least 5 days a week. Pray for me to keep it up!!

The Deering Seafood Festivial was in Cutlery Bay. It was a beautiful day it wasnt to hot it was a perfect. Nice breeze and lots of food. But of course I watched my portions. Lol from lobster bisque,lobster salad, crab cakes and much more...and many many drinks. We had a blast check it out if your in Miami next year it worth every penny. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Women of the World Saturday....

I was so moved to write today's blog with  swift keystrokes. I was inspired by the beautiful Diane Von Furstenberg's book the "The Women I Wanted to Be" . Within her story she brings to life the story of three women, that I would have never known, had it not been for my interest in DVF and the story behind it.

When my styling partner Natea and I began this blog, we began it so we can  bring our love for fashion to  the masses.  As much as I love an amazing dress, a darling shoe, adorable accessories to make an ultimate ensemble. Diane defines beauty as strength and personality.  I say we  need personality to bring that dress to life, we need strength to stand tall in that heel. We need conviction to make our personal style, stand alive in a room!

I believe that fashion is missing a soul. We are so enamored with the outer beauty, serving every pimple, every wrinkle. As if when there is an imperfection on the outer, that's unacceptable.

Meanwhile, we neglect our inner soul. We don't tend to any of the necessary steps to make our  inner feel just as good as the outside looks. As I read Diana' story, it reminded me of the beauty of inner style, and how that inner voice can guide us to make unbelievable decisions, that ultimately make us the women we wanted to be. As such, I want to celebrate the three women, pictured below, as there inner souls are fed with such riches, that you can't deny their elegance, as they are the women of the world, forging the stamps of inner beauty.

Sunitha Krishnan who was gang raped by eight men at fifteen and went on to form an organization in India called Prajwala that rescues and rehabilites girls from brothels and sex traffickers.   
Dr. Kakenya Ntaiya , a Kenyan who was engaged to be married at five and later bartered with her father, to be circumcised in return for the opportunity to go to highschool. She went on to college and graduate school in the United St 

Chouchou  Namegabe is a young journalist from the Democratic of Congo who recorded the stories of hundreds of voiceless  rape victims and played them on the radio to try shame the government into taking action....

"The dignity of these women, with their innate elegance  is a true inspiration of beauty."  Diana von Furstenberg.

My styling partner and I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Furstenberg, at a book signing, as pictured below, we were truly inspired by her amazing inner style...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Hair Style Friday

Hair Hair Hair we all love to have the perfect hair style to go with that perfect outfit. Ladies I know for me if my hair is not perfect, the onsomble is not complete. 

I love to rock all different hair styles. Thank you lord for inventing weave. I will rock my afro, weave, straight long, short, curly doesn't matter I love hair and lots of it. I believe that hair changes your attitude for the good. If your hair is right you can look anyone eye to eye. Here are just a few styles that I would like to rock or have rocked before. The blue is so nice on her skin, I really don't know if I could pull it off maybe one day!!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

JetSet Thursday

It's that time of year, when its time for a family getaway. Sometimes its your kids spring break, or maybe a couples getaway, or a much needed girls getaway. Usually mini vacays are short, so you have to pack light. Which I KNOW is hard for us all... But I love mini getaways, cause that means either I am doing a little shopping for my getaway, or even shopping in my closet, for some simple chic looks.

Ladies its easy, don't make a mini getaway, a job. Let me show you how to style three easy looks for three easy days....

Every mini getaway needs a maxi dress.... unless you are going to meet with winter doing your getaway.

A maxi dress doesn't have to be only worn during a  lunch on the beach, you can also wear it as your swimsuit cover up. Here's the perfect maxi dress for just that! Later you can pair it with some gladiator sandals and head to a relaxed dinner.

Always bring  a comfortable chic romper, and pair with the same gladiators sandals...

Harem pants are the best for a long flight, they are easy and still stylish. You will feel great and look the same.....

All these looks are easy, iron free, and laid back for your mini getaway.  You can bring the same sandals with all three with  looks. Its chic, easy, stylish and you will only need one bag ladies.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring is here Wednesday!

Ladies we all love the spring time. It's the opportunity to wear bright colors and really just have fun. Hot days at the beach with friends and family.

This outfit to me is just simple and classic!! #effortlessstyle 
Spring is here!!

Delpozo white top

MSGM skirt

Sergio Rossi pointed toe pumps

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Topnotch Tuesday, is all about classic women that will forever, stand the test of time.... Every Fashion Icon in history, has a moment in time, that has made them just that -Fashion Icons.
These women are  necessary to the health of fashion, every trendsetter, icon,fashion designer, and wardrobe stylist need these women for inspiration. We feed off their instinct and pure solitude of dressing themselves into our minds forever..

These are just a few of my favorite Topnotch women....
Diana Ross 

Jackie Kennedy

Carrie Bradshaw aka (Sarah Jessica Parker) 
Coco Channel 
Kate Moss 

Jennifer Lopez 
DianaVon Furstenberg 
Audrey Hepburn

Solange Knowles 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Real Life Monday

ladies and gentleman this is a fashion blog, and it will continue to be about FASHION, however when life happens you have to just go with it. 

I received some horrible news this afternoon about a ex coworker of mine, just as I was getting ready to post about fashion, I decided that today's post will be about real life. She lost her husband I don't know all the details, but I know now she is a single parent with two teenage kids who lost her best friend. When I found out my heart dropped being married myself, I couldn't even imagine what I would do. I know that life goes on but how do you make it through this type of tragedy. Calling on our lord and Savor Jesus Chirst who strengthens us. 

I know one thing in this life you must enjoy every day, minute and hour because you never know when it will be your time to leave this earth, so make sure your doing what you love. I love fashion so I'm striving to make this my career one day at a time and I'm definitely enjoying the journey. I wanted to share these quotes with you!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Jazzy Sunday.. Jazz in the Garden Edition

I love a great concert,good food and music. Jazz in the Garden held in Miami, is an annual gathering for the lovers of  music. As much I as adore music, I LOVE fashion even more. Fashion is everywhere. Life is a runway, and we should all dress accordingly.  Everyone has their own point of view, and that's the beauty of trends, style and individuality.  Here's just a few eye catching looks from the runway of  the #JAZZINTHEGARDEN2015...