Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fun Day Sunday with the Fam!!

First things first. When it comes to any type of festival you want to be comfortable. So when we were invited to go to the festival today, I new I would be in my Maxi dress. The blue just put the stamp on it, and of course my afro was on point freshly washed and conditioned. But putting this dress on today made me realize along with my cardio workout plan, I need to get my arms back on point. I'm working with a little flab, working out is a priority I've been forcing myself to workout at least 5 days a week. Pray for me to keep it up!!

The Deering Seafood Festivial was in Cutlery Bay. It was a beautiful day it wasnt to hot it was a perfect. Nice breeze and lots of food. But of course I watched my portions. Lol from lobster bisque,lobster salad, crab cakes and much more...and many many drinks. We had a blast check it out if your in Miami next year it worth every penny. 

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