Monday, March 23, 2015

Real Life Monday

ladies and gentleman this is a fashion blog, and it will continue to be about FASHION, however when life happens you have to just go with it. 

I received some horrible news this afternoon about a ex coworker of mine, just as I was getting ready to post about fashion, I decided that today's post will be about real life. She lost her husband I don't know all the details, but I know now she is a single parent with two teenage kids who lost her best friend. When I found out my heart dropped being married myself, I couldn't even imagine what I would do. I know that life goes on but how do you make it through this type of tragedy. Calling on our lord and Savor Jesus Chirst who strengthens us. 

I know one thing in this life you must enjoy every day, minute and hour because you never know when it will be your time to leave this earth, so make sure your doing what you love. I love fashion so I'm striving to make this my career one day at a time and I'm definitely enjoying the journey. I wanted to share these quotes with you!!

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