Tuesday, March 10, 2015


 Ladies it all about shoes, shoes and more shoes... There's nothing like an awesome shoe. Every outfit starts with a story. Your shoes are your exclamation point. Your shoes, bring your point across.  Your shoes, seal the deal. Your shoes make sure, that your outfit has the right tone.  Next time you place that outfit on, make sure your SHOES, end your story......

The story behind these shoes are quite interesting. My girlfriend wanted the Nicolas Kirkwood shoes as seen below on the left.  She wanted to wear them to her fabulously chic baby shower... but needed a similar shoe on a budget. I am true believer in saving any coin that can be saved...AND looking fabulous while doing so....  as such I found her the shoes on the right, that added a big splash to her already tremendous splash that was forthcoming...  Ladies next time you start your story make sure your shoes, complete your story!

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