Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bag it Up Tuesday!

We are all bag ladies... We carry baggage literally. We consume so many things....our bags, can hold secrets, they sometimes act as our armor. They even can be used as a weapon. 

A good bag can make or break an outfit... I personally hate rules in fashion! I believe fashion is an artistc point of view. But like everything in life there are some rules that are unsaid but understood. 

There are a variety of purses, bags, clutches, crossover bags, shoulder bags and handbags... There is a place and time for every bag. 
This electic bag can be worn with simple black pant suit, with a red lip. 

This bag sells itself, place this bag with some jeans and a white tank, with gold accessories.
This Neon winner can be worn with an  all black romper,  paired with a white blazer... And macs heroine lip color.

This brown beauty is perfect for an everyday bag,office,church. Pair her with a dress or pencil skirt.

This funky number shoukd be worn with a flirty dress, for a night out on the town!

Ladies next time you pick your bag, make sure it's the right time, place and outfit...

 Medgine signing off the other half of pardon our style. 

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